The root chakra is located at the base of the spine near the anus and is the first chakra out of seven main chakras in our body. It is also called the “Seat of destiny”.

It establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment, and the Earth keeping you grounded.

Body organs like kidneys, bladder, spinal column, hips, and legs are linked to this chakra.

Root Chakra is the most instinctual – it is the survival center. The fight and flight response is activated from this center.


The adrenal gland is associated with this chakra, which releases two main hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Both these hormones complement each other and so the term adrenaline rush is very commonly used.

The proper function of the adrenal gland can lead to the proper release of both the hormones. This makes a person strong and active. But if these hormones are released in excess or released when not required, have adverse effects on physical health and emotional behavior.

Physically, this chakra is associated with problems in the colon, bladder, lower back, leg, or feet problems.

Emotionally, an imbalanced Root chakra will trigger feelings of insecurities, abandonment, loneliness, depression, instability, and disconnection.


The first hormone is Adrenaline. It is released when we need to understand the reality of the situation to make us more focused and prompt to take perfect decisions. It gives the rush of energy needed to take the required action. The hormone is commonly called a fight or flight hormone as it helps to choose our action plan by judging the situation, whether to stay back and fight or just run away.

The second hormone is cortisol, which is related to stress. In other words, when a particular action is to be executed, this hormone makes a person stress-free to conduct the action required with full awareness of the situation.


When Adrenaline is released in excess or when not needed makes one feel confused and focus is lost. One cannot take proper decisions and instead starts blaming the situations and people around.

When Cortisol is released in excess or when not needed creates fear in the mind. This fear leads to stress, anxiety, and depression sometimes even emotional outbursts and aggression.


Meditation helps to activate and balance this chakra and so the hormones are released when needed in proper quantities.

Meditation leads to activation of the sympathetic nervous system. It then understands when to release the hormone to boost confidence, courage, and activeness for execution. Whereas during the rest, it helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system to calm the mind and body, controlling the unnecessary stress, fear and removes anxiety.

It is widely researched by using modern scientific instruments, like FMRI and EEG. These techniques map neural activities before meditation, during the meditation, and after the meditation. Which has proved that positive changes happen in the brain.

There are more than 1400 scientific researches done worldwide which show that one or other form of meditation helps to control brain activity.


After seeing the red Colour, it activates our sympathetic nervous system to make us alert. Red Colour is naturally seen in vegetables, flowers, fruits, and many other natural things.

Medicinally Red color in most fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants which reduce the risk of developing hypertension, high cholesterol, and atherosclerosis. It also lowers the risk of developing different types of cancer, including prostate cancer, and protect against heart diseases and improve brain function.

All the things associated with red Colour help activate this chakra.

Red Vegetables: Tomatoes, radishes, red cabbage, beets

Red Fruits: Red grapes, strawberries, watermelon, cherries, raspberries, pomegranates, cranberries, red apples.

Red Flowers: Rose, Hibiscus, Carnations, Chrysanthemums, Daisies.


Red Jasper is the most influential crystal recommended for root chakra. Its lustrous deep red or brown color attracts the energy and promotes feelings of safety, stability, and security.

It is known as the ‘supreme nurture’. It has the unique ability to ground even the most unbalanced person. It activates the root chakra and helps with reducing anger and improves overall focused nature


Essential oils with typical unique fragrances are highly concentrated versions of the natural oils found in plants. The healing properties of essential oils have been known for generations. Many traditional practices from around the world are using them for recreational purposes. Essential oils can be used as aesthetic, ant rheumatic, and antidepressant agents. They can also be used for chakra healing.

Oils to activate root chakra are Patchouli, cedar, sandalwood, cypress, clove, and myrrh.


Each celestial body, in fact, each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm, or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element while having its own function and character, contributes to the whole.” ~ Pythagoras

With all the physiological processes happening in our body like blood circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion along physical and mental work we do, our mind body and soul are always in a state of motion creating vibrations. Sound vibrates with a frequency that resonates with the soul. These vibrations can be sensed in every cell of our body. The vibrational energy that sound vibrations create has the power to heal on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Similarly, emotions related to the chakra can be strengthened positively by the particular musical notations eliminating the negative ones.

The strong beats created by drums, tabla, or similar musical instruments can help to awaken the root chakra.


Sound is one of the vibrations. On chanting a mantra, a particular part of the body vibrates which harmonies all the seven chakras. You will feel energized, balanced, and a stronger sense of health. Chanting a mantra brings transformation with a benefiting sense of more power, strength, mental and spiritual growth.

Each chakra is associated with a bija (seed)  mantra, and LAM is a seed mantra for Root chakra. On chanting, vibration hammers at the root chakra point and helps to release energy to balance and activate its facilitating movement and vitality.

Image courtesy: www.pexels.com

Information source: Various details from websites on the internet.

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We at "Eternity Meditation" bring simple yet powerful techniques of meditation with utmost scientific approach to achieve spirituality. We, Dr Udayashankar Bhat and Anita Chavan are Certified meditation coaches with decades of experience. We have founded this unique meditation of sensory activation to bring body and mind at the moment of now so as to follow guided meditation with full dedication. We both are Science Educationalists with expertise in various fields of Science and Technology and earned various Awards and Medals. We authored a globally acclaimed book " An Envisioned Theory Of Everything " combining the concepts of Science and Spirituality.


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